Presentation Information

Presentation Information

Oral Presentations

The oral presentation time slots are 20 minutes each. Please prepare a presentation for 15 minutes and leave 5 minutes for setting up, presenter introduction, and questions & answers. Please strictly observe this time limit in order to facilitate people moving between sessions.

All oral presenters are required to prepare PowerPoint slides for their visual presentations. The slides are up to the author to have them professionally prepared. Soft copies in .ppt(x) AND .pdf formats of the presentation are recommended, in a USB drive or equivalent, to be carried to the conference. Authors do not need to submit a hard copy of the slides or bring a computer onsite, as all presentations will be pre-loaded onto the seminar computer that will be in your session room.

All presentations must be uploaded in the corresponding session room during the breaks and at least 5 minutes before the session starts. If you do not know when you are scheduled to speak, please visit the full conference program under the "Conference" tab.

Poster Presentations

As a poster presenter, at least one author must be available for questions at your display board during the posted session time. If you do not know your poster number or poster session, please visit the full conference program under the "Conference" tab.

Presenters must have their posters set-up at least 5 minutes before the session starts, and have the posters taken-off no later than 5 minutes after the session ends. Any posters that remain on the poster boards will be removed and kept at the Registration Desk. The display room(s) will immediately continue to hold other activities, so timely actions are essential.

Poster boards/stands and push pins will be provided for all poster presenters. Authors need to print and bring the physical poster to the conference. The recommended print size is 24 (wide) x 36 (tall) inches.

Questions About Presentation?

For questions regarding publications, please contact our Publications Committee here.